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Frances Yonge

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Frances Yonge is a songwriter, pianist and musical director. She loves being involved with many musical projects, but her heart is rooted in the art of writing songs. For Frances, songwriting is an escapism that provides a sanctuary of free expression.  

Frances’ work takes you on an unpredictable musical journey which has been described as ‘ageless’ and ‘evocative’. 


Despite a saturated music market, Frances remains committed to producing albums, telling her life story in her songs. Her last two albums ‘My Garden’ (2011) and ‘Stonewaller’ (2016) are the result of a fulfilling collaboration and friendship with Miriam Cox (cello) and James Cox (percussion/drums). 

Frances is looking forward to sharing her new album, ‘All you can see is sky’ which will be released in 2018.



Last played:

The Grey Lady Music Lounge, Sunday 4th November 2018
Jennifer Lee Ridley, Nick Lawrence, Frances Yonge, The Breretons